Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Three ‘Projects’ for the New Year

Guess who's back...

No, no. It's not Eminem. It's ME!

Admittedly it has been some time since I've written, but what can I say. Actually, what CAN I say? I guess I’ll just have to tell you guys the truth. Cold. Uncompromising. Possibly harsh. But still – the truth.

Have I been shopping like there’s no tomorrow?

No. Actually, yes. I have done some shopping. But it doesn’t really count because I’ve been shopping for others – family and friends. And of course one – no two – no THREE (and that is the grand total – honest!) gifts for me! I mean if I don’t buy myself something for Christmas, it would, of course be disastrous. But in any case, I enjoyed the shopping! Obviously.

I’ve also been doing some reading. I also got the flu for a whole sodding week. But thankfully am over it! Also I’ve been catching up with some of my closest friends. You know the deal. Going out for coffees. Sooo many coffees in fact, that my caffeine addiction qualms have become so overwhelming that they now dwarf my fears about my shopping-escapism. Really - to the extent that the latter is becoming increasingly problematic, in manner of turning a blind eye only to look back and seeing a tonne of bricks about to tumble on self’s poor head. I can anticipate a disaster coming sometime soon – vide Christmas shopping thingy above.

Also have decided to embark upon not one, not two, but three major projects. More details about these, later. Maybe. As we say in Maltese fuq tleita toqghod il-borma which translates roughly to ‘it takes three to tango.’ Only that it takes two to tango. Three for a threesome. But only one (ie me) to warp logic…

I was about to get to the New Year’s resolution thingy. Actually I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. Mostly because they don’t work. Mostly because I’ve tried them. I’ve tried resolutions ranging from:
  1. Stop smoking
  2. Evaporate to size 10
  3. Date Nicolas Cage (before he married Alice Kim, that is! Buggering hell. All the best ones are taken! Humph!)
  4. Stop striving for the unattainable (Vide above. But what’s the point in life if you don’t have a challenge?)
  5. Do not date MAD men (Actually, I really have to somehow make that one work! Is becoming matter of life and death. So much so, that I expect that if I ever visit another mental institution – I visited one ONCE ON WORK!!! – I might be greeted by three fourths of my exes!)
  6. Try an extreme sport (Hmmm driving in Malta can be considered an extreme sport. What about shopping? Speed SMS-ing? Playing billiards with my sister? More of a dodge the balls flying off of the frame, really!)
  7. Go on holiday completely alone in manner of cultural life-changing, soul-searching experience resulting in Nirvana-like illumination - as opposed to taking the wrong tube and getting lost in peripheral London! (Which is what happened to a friend of mine who has positively lost all sense!)
  8. Get therapy. (Scratch that! I mean – do I look / sound like I need therapy? If you think 'yes' you're in lots of trouble, buddy!)
  9. etc
  10. etc
But that was before. Now I have evolved to a higher state of being (i.e. I am now a year older than when I made the above resolutions last year…) And contrary to my twit-cum-laude ex-boyfriend from the underworld, who should be fed to elephant-sized rabid lions (can lions actually be rabid? Or elephant-sized? Doesn’t matter…) I actualy appreciate that although I can be, at times, well - let's say somewhat cheotic, that doesn't mean that I should change everything about the way I do things! Meaning that although I recognise that there are areas for improvement (nobody, after all is perfect. Even Mary Poppins is only practically perfect!) I have no intention of attempting the impossible. Or do I? Three projects for one year.

Hmm… But really, a good game-plan is all you need. And perhaps a poker-face too! And lots of luck. And a lot of work. I guess it’s worth a good try! We’ll see…

Whatever you have resolved to achieve this year, I wish you luck and success!

Have a great 2005!

And keep in touch!
