Tuesday, February 15, 2005


The word 'weatherwise' reminds me of Frank (Sinatra) singing Fly With Me, where he sings:

Weatherwise it’s such a lovely day
You just say the words
And we’ll beat the birds
Down to Aacapulco bay
It’s perfect, for a flying honeymoon - they say
Come fly with me
We’ll fly we’ll fly away

... I'm going to make an effort to stop typing there. Yes - I have been typing the words to the swing tune from memory. I guess it's just one of those songs

Michael Buble who is reviving swing in mainstream pop culture also does a pretty good rendition of the song. Finally perhaps swing is back! I don't quite know why (as in the reason escapes me, but then again it might also be a case of all reason in generally escaping me..) but I always had a penchant for the 30s, and 40s. Perhaps it is the clothes. Or the excitement of novelty, which my generation might very well have lost for good. We have seen everything. Done everything. and then some. But nothing is new. As they say in the U.S. of A. 'been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt.'

There are some things (quite a few really!) which I will admittedly never understand. Like, when all likelihood is that it will turn out to be a sensibly nice winter day, and therefore I wear my new tweed skirt with black tights. Then badabingbadaboom it starts pissing rain, hailing and blowing up gusts of wind that threaten to turn me into Mary Poppins (Ms Practically Perfect in Every Way) if I open my umbrella outdoors. Boqq! Somethings are just beyond my grasp.

Now I am a winter lover! Always have been, always will be. Unashamedly I despise the splintering summer sun and long for the windy winter weather. BUT (and there is always a ‘but’, other than the one we sit on, of course, which incidentally is spelt with a double ‘t’ at the end, ‘thus butt’ – but I digress…)

Where was I? Yes… But Mr Weather Man could at least kindly make up his mind about what it’s going to be. It is very difficult to colour and texture co-ordinate you look in tune with the cold weather, only to find out that contrary to all blithering expectations (and possibly – although not sure about this, but anyway- NASA satellite imaging system thingies) it’s going to be colder than cold! And trust me, it is no joke wearing skirts in winter, ‘gorgeous A-line tweed skirt, with cross hatch detail and a frayed hem for that little touch of bohemia’ or not! Tights or not! But the skirt is fantastic...

Which reminds… this sales season was not so hot for me (not just weatherwise I mean!) Apart from a ‘few’ (ho... hum..) key fashion items, this season hasn’t offered much. I know that I am an exigent shopper. And alas, I operate under a form of budget (word to be used and understood loosely...) Flexible as it may be, but a budget nonetheless.

Now, can someone please explain to me what on earth shop owners and managers (managers for the love of style!) are doing setting up with the spring fashion when its so c-c-c-cold that my hands turn blue at the mere sight of a three-quarter sleeved shirt? Someone? Anyone?

I mean it’s too cold to want to try on lighter spring clothes. It’s almost unnaturally cold for a Maltese person – after all this winter has been the coldest in 19 or 14 years (depending which of the local newspapers you read!) Shoppers cannot possibly be expected to buy spring clothes while winter sales rage on! Can they? I mean at this rate these guys are going to be having their spring stock sale in under two months!

Have just re-read the post..... Hmmm.... this is v troublesome.... Can someone PLEASE explain to me how on earth I got from weatherwise, to Frank Sinatra to the sales and the weather? Arrghh! Head is spinning in attempt to backtrack through this logic here. Think I better go get some rest!

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