Friday, June 24, 2005

TGIF - will make up for it at the weekend!

So TGIF! Yippeee! Or well, I would like it to be yippee! But since I am behind with absolutely everything, I will be spending most of the weekend inside cramped in some weird position on my bed with my faithful laptop, books flying out of my ears and a pitcher of coffee on my bedside table.

Writing. Typing, typing.

Typing hard. Harder. The letters on my keys fading.

Save. Proof. Edit. Read. Re-read. Send.

Sit. Wait for a reply. Longingly. Hoping for one reply and fearing another.

Oh well!

However, this evening I am going for coffee with JC and later will head out to THE local summer club (aka Gianpula) with Lars and E. I have decided to postpone all the hard work until tomorrow and Sunday. Call it procrastination. Call it burnout deflection. Call it what you want. But it reminds me of a phrase Frank (Nicolas Cage) says in the film Bringing Out the Dead:

“Distraction. Destruction. I feel the need!”

Truth is that a good part of my brain has been taken over by some hedonistic persona which unbeknown to yours truly had been lurking in the shadows, just waiting for the right moment to pounce on me and take over in manner of guerrilla-warfare-tactician. So prior to meeting JC I have decided to go and do some serious shopping (aka more damage to my bank account!) I feel like buying myself something new, but the shop windows with all their lime green, crazy yellow and psycho pink are going to let me down I fear. Perhaps, at least some accessories. Or a bag and new shoes. Hmmm! Am feeling decidedly better already.

Hopefully Gianpula will be good tonight. And I'm not just talking good I'm talking a blast!

Then I'll make up for it tomorrow morning by working non stop. Eeek! And once these deadlines are past, I have decided to treat myself to a spectacularly luxurious spa-type weekend break in Gozo! Now, that’s something to look forward to!

Well, as I always say: I’m a girl, so I can get away with it! (Or rather, I always manage to at any rate!)

Have a great weekend all!

Take care and keep in touch!

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