Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Summer gone by…

In all honesty I have never been one to like the summer months, and as much as I adore the sea I have never enjoyed basking in the sun, not for an hour, not for a minute, and possibly not for a second. If I didn’t know better I’d think that I might have some sun-repelling gene or something.

I know - it’s v unlike other Maltese people who enjoy the blistering sun until they are evenly, unrecognisably tanned. But then again, I’m not exactly your typical Maltese girl, am I? Oh come on… surely you should have realised that much by now!

However, I simply cannot believe that we’re in October – already!!! Summer has gone by in a flash; fighting the stifling lethargy-inducing heat during the day; suffocating on the way to work amid waves of humidity and traffic exhaust, praising the comforts of air conditioning, partying during the weekends, and avoiding the sun like a plague!

And ungrateful humanoids that we are, as soon as the first whiff of cold currents come our way, we’ll be cursing winter weather, longing for the languid Sunday afternoons, when all we could do was just sit in front of TV watching a non-tasking flick, drinking ice-cold water by the gallons and waiting for the heat to let off. I guess it is part of the human condition – you always want that which you can’t get. Or you never know what you’ve got when it’s gone! Something along those lines anyway.

Hmmm… actually the mezzu temp (mid-season) weather we’ve got currently is rather v nice. Can still enjoy my collection of boob tubes (all the rage this summer), without having to spend the day wishing some arctic weather my way! Actually in the spirit of appreciating the temperate weather the Maltese Archipelago is currently enjoying, I think that I’ll plan a walk in the country side or some sort of hike or other for this weekend. Obviously will have to wear sensible shoes and not strappy high heeled sandals which I recently bought on sale, but anyway… You see, its all part of my ‘here and now’ Zen philosophy, let’s just hope it goes well – as in I don’t get horribly lost in the Maltese countryside (despite the minute size of the island, it has happened to me… more than once!)

Clearly I will keep you posted with the outcome of what promises to be some sort of Zen adventure!