Friday, November 19, 2004

Post dizzaster recovery...questionable!

Hi everyone. I'm back.

Back as in regressing - to what, I don't remember.

Back. As in back to square one, possibly also to the square before square one.

Anyways, back on the blog.

Had a bit of a tough time actually. But what can you do? It's life. My life anyway. Am not going to get into too many details - it's not ladylike, and its private, so there!

Trust me on this one guys and gals. I always thought that I had it in me to come up at least with one good memorable phrase. Unfortunately this phrase which I have coined (and am hereby trademarking / copyrighting!) is the one fundamental true thing in my life. Here goes:
Just when I thought that I had reached the bottle of the barrel I realised that the barrel had a double bottom.

Ok, ok. Tinkwetax. Go back and read it. I know, it's a concept kind of thing.

Got it now? Yep, that's it, just when you thought things couldn't get worse - badabingbadaboom a tone of bricks comes crashing about your feet sweeping you away in a tumultuous swirl of stormy waves which crash upon the rocks.


I know, it's a Friday - TGIF, right? Or not! There isn't much to TG about right now. For the past five days, everyday has felt like a bad post-hangover-cum-coma Monday rude awakening thingy. Not good.

Ok. will now make effort of titanic proportions so as to get grip on self and stop wallowing in melodrama misery.

Ok. Should just give up as am clearly not in the mood for trying to control self and self's emotions etc etc


Ok - Enough! This is not constructive. Let's see what else I'm doing this weeked.
Saturday: pm get together with xxxxxxx's colleagues

Sunday: pm go to friend's wedding with xxxxxxx

Obviously forgot to amend entry on personal diaries as follows:
Saturday: possibly girl's night?

Sunday: pm go to friend's wedding.

Also can detach pink highlighter from diary (I highlight all my dates in pink...)

I just can't wait for Monday! (Tsk!)

Think that I will go back and read a couple of excerpts from The Little Book of Calm, also possibly Men and From Mars (more from Uranus he he he!) and Women are from Venus and The Road Less Travelled. Actually scrap idea of road less travelled... might wind up lost or something - again!

Have a great weekend and take care!