On a work trip in Brussels...
Am writing from an AZERTY keyboard (as opposed to a QWERTY, which is clearly what all human beings are used to!) So I keep on typing q instead of a, a colon instead of the letter m and funny symbols instead of numbers, etc. (Am just clarifying that all typos - and there will be many are due to the freak nature of this keyboard as opposed to my lack of familiarity with the English language or excess alcohol consumed due to the freezing cold here!)
Managed to find an Internet cafe pretty close to my hotel so do not need to freeze my butt off for too long in order to blog. Obviously freezing self s (sorry, but cannot find the apostrophe for the life of me) butt off would be appealing in manner of fad diet which promises to loose a stone in two hours AND actually delivers! However, am working on developing realistic expectations from life. Yeah, right!
FYI Over the past five minutes have hqd - I mean HAD - to correct like a million bloody typos.... bloody, bloody keyboqrd! Will take a minute here to throw well deserved and long-overdue hissy fit! GAAAAAH§
Al is coincidentally also here on work, so am planning to meet up with him for dinner, as we very often do back home.
Well, regards to all of you and a very happy valentine s day to all!
Am now going to my hotel room, where the ever so thoughful management has left me utterly delicious belgiqn-melt-in-your-mouth chocs to commemorate Cupid s day! Yessss!