Saturday, February 04, 2006

Back to ifs!

Shall I bother with apologies? Is it even the case? Need I tell you that I have been meaning to write for some time (understatement of the baby-new year!) but alas, I have not managed to get down to it!

Sometimes I think that I am the only sane person left in the world and that the entire population of our dingy planet is trying to drive me bananas. So I guess that you can imagine that things are pretty hectic and intense (which I am somewhat partial to - the intense part, that is - definitely NOT the hectic!)

I have been terribly busy getting on with my life, dealing with the crises that it entails, getting one of my dear darling baby projects stamped with 'rejection', trying to detect who on earth is sending me weird text messages and generally keeping the world spinning safely on its axis and preventing it from spiralling desparately into oblivion, which is precisely the world's natural enthropic tendency. THIS is what I have been up to (or at least that what it feels like!)

You would think that I've received my nomination for the next Nobel prize in the post, just today, but quizzically enough nobody from the Nobel board / commission has contacted me yet... Must look into this. Perhaps will be a late entry. Yes, that's it a surprise-last-minute nominations that bags the prize. The underdog that gets its day! Also, I hear that some serious cash is simply handed out along with the prestige, and I could seriously do with that (both cash and prestige, although need for cash has become more pronounced in order to escape hounding mad population of people just trying to get me locked up! Gaah! Will this ever end?)

However, there seems to be some sort of light at the end of the tunnel.

Or perhaps am simply hallucinating (again!)

Or perhaps am seeing alien spaceship ready to whizz me away and ordain me ultimate leader of their planet!

Someone call my therapist!

Along the lines of my favourite poem (aka If by Rudyard Kipling)

If you can keep your head when all about
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you

If only I could, dear Rudyard, if only I could indeed.... It would open up my world to a whole new realm of if-then possibilities.

On a more positive note, which is the traditional formulaic way in which all fairy tales end, appear to have re-discovered infinite pleasure of blogging! (Verging on the addiction, once again - have I got no sense of balance at ALL???) Sigh!