Too restless to go to bed at 11 pm on the eve of a public holiday.
Plus keep dreaming about being stuck in prison, while my 'negoitator' (whose side is he on???) tries to convince my would-be captors that I'm worth a heck of a lot less than 30 goats, one milking cow and a camel (the latter thrown in, just for shits and giggles, as it were...) Weird, I know!
Welcome to the world of jetlag. I am your host here!
Decided to post some pics here about my most recent trip to the Med.
Several flight delays, crossed connections and turbulence and I arrived at destination 1. Work took me to a lush gala night atop a pontoon - see pic. (No need for jokes, here... I didn't trip over in my heels and go splash into the water... well, only because a good-looking fellow business-tripper was there to catch me in time... French guys are such gentlemen!) I could soooo live this life!

Work appointments at destination 2 were busy and hectic, (but thankfully very fruitful... as opposed to fruity) so decided to haunt a very VERY Zen bar (pic above), which was totally fabulous and served my very favourite Mojitos!!! The haunt was so zen that just the thought of it... makes my eyes turn misty blue? Nah, but it does make me want to read Siddharta all over again, and Zen and the Art of motorcycle maintenace...

Finally, I managed to find the time to relax a little by the pool; which was a v good idea! And yes... those are my pedicured toes at the bottom of the pic, he he he! Just in case you were wondering...
And still not willing to go to sleep, I now realise that am just in time for SATC (Sex and the City for the unitiated few who must've been located somewhere on planet Zonk without satellite TV for the past few years!)
Then will go get ready for the next business trip... I take off in a few days again!
heello my fav. business girl. did you know that NASA estimates you need one day for every time zone crossed to regain normal rhythm and energy levels. So a 5-hour time difference means you may require five days to get back to normal! Can you afford that?
Hello hello James :)) Re your comment about NASA estimates, I think that it is valid for normal people. I on the other hand, seem to need a couple of weeks to get over the jet lag. Obviously cannot afford it and therefore will have to write myself another IOU for more accummulated sleeping time, which is forever lost. LOST!
N :)
Hello from Canada :)
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