Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Something 'different'

Since I have received a grand total of five emails (from people who I don't know in real life as opposed to the web and its virtual reality!) telling me that I should post more often on this blog of mine I have decided to do just that - post! And there I was thinking that the only people who checked out my blog were a few close friends of mine! Well THANKS! Thanks to all of you for the encouragement and feedback!

As I write this it is exactly 22.31 hrs and after a full day's of work (as in yes... i have a day job! How on earth would I possibly keep up with the shopping otherwise?) and I am starting to feel tired. Which is not a good sign! Not for a night owl at any rate...

Hmmm perhaps should go make some coffee....

Am back. with dark, black, hot coffee, energy levels rising as I type.
I was just working on one of my three projects this year (nope... not going to reveal anything more - after all a good writer knows how to keep readers in suspense! he he!) when I decided to take a break and drop you all a line. Then an even more uncanny notion hit my head. The thud, was of course followed by an empty echoing sound... (Ho Hmm! No, you're not supposed to laugh! Just kidding - oh yes you are!)

You have so far seen one side of me. And like a coin, I have two sides. Here is something, let's just say 'different'. Oh come one! Of course you can handle it! This is as yet untitled. Like a little lost sandy labrador puppy, searching for its name and a new home. Here goes:

My fingers grazed the painting you left in my bedroom. The thick dry oil, hiding a few air bubbles under its surface, felt as rugged as your stubble. You knew it irritated me when we kissed, but I loved your salty taste — somewhere familiar between mint and strawberries marinating in the sea, with a dash of coffee and cigarette smoke. I put my fingers to my nose and your smell - that
mixture of heat, paint, solvent, musk and something else which I could never identify, came back to me. I forcibly drew my hand away and my eyes fell upon your parting gift; a large, inexplicable canvas stretched across a frame. The puzzling mixture of colors, pastoral purple, blood red, grassy green and sunny yellow, stared back at me. Textures of thin light strokes of one color, coated
by thick heavy coats of another in contrast, one covering the other — yet never completely, felt like me. The yellow base is still visible, almost translucent, despite the deeper depressed colors' efforts to hide its hope from the world. I saw you paint that picture again in my mind, whistling a tune that was your own, occasionally tapping your foot top a beat which only you knew — one which I
picked up without knowing or understanding. The sun crept in through closed shutters, reflecting on the sweat beads on your skin. This room which you once occupied is now empty. The cold, sharp wind breathes life into the curtains. Billowing, they graze my legs. The windows are open now, and I won't shut them. I can't - not for you. Not because of you.

© 2005

I have promised my five e-mailers (and myself) that I will post more often. And since a promise is always a promise, i'll be posting - so keep in touch!


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